About me

Hi there, my name is Nat and I am constantly exploring life with my three beautiful daughters (2 teens and a toddler!). I have always been a person who knew I wanted to help others but never knew where to start. One day I woke up and was sick of just wishing to do something different, so I applied for a position at work I always wanted and got it! From there I applied for an intensive professional development course and was accepted, during this I was fortunate enough to be guided by a wonderful mentor and team who encouraged me to see my worth in a way I was never accepting to see myself. Before then I was relying on the validation of others and was feeling empty inside. I now have a love for self development and learning new ways I can live a better life.

Fast forward a year (not without plenty of hurdles in between) and now I am working towards creating the life I have always dreamt of and more. My journey is ever evolving, and this is my space to share with you what I have learnt along the way, the good, the bad, the messy and the downright funny. Things are pretty real around here, we love everything from the bush to the beach. I pride myself on my honestly and keeping things real. You might see this by my pictures, it is hard to get everyone looking, smiling or participating without someone pulling a face!

Sometimes the mum guilt sets in and the voice in my head says why are you doing this, but then I remember if we don't try how will we ever know what is possible and what is waiting for us on the other side is far better than sitting and waiting for things to happen for us. If I can share anything I have learnt it is to give it a go, invest in yourself, you are worth so much more than you know x

My why

Two things that I have been told and have stuck with me is 'everyone is human' and 'you have more value than you think'. So why not me, why not you? I could think nothing more valuable than finding a way to have more time, freedom and security to enjoy this life especially with these three beauties you see here. My why is for them and for me. To prove to myself I can do it and it is possible. I will share my journey with you because I want you to find your why too.